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In 2015, ATΩ celebrated its 150th anniversary. Here are some great articles related to the rich history of our organization:

After an absence of 18 years, LSU has invited Alpha Tau Omega back onto campus.  The Epsilon Zeta chapter will be recolonized in 2017. 


To support this effort, Baton Rouge-area alumni have formed an alumni advisory board.  Members include Cliff Mount, David Laxton, David Chauvin, Scott Smith, Shawn Edwards, and Matt Caillouet, representing a broad cross-section of age and initiation year. 

ATO annually ranks among the top ten national fraternities for number of chapters and total number of members. ATO has more than 250 active and inactive chapters with more than 200,000 members and more than 6,500 undergraduate members.


The LeaderShape Institute, Inc. was created in 1986 by Alpha Tau Omega, and is considered one of the country's premier leadership development training programs available to college students and young professionals. 

The ATO Foundation provides more than $150,000 in annual scholarships to members-including scholarships to attend the LeaderShape Institute, Inc.


Newsweek announced Alpha Tau Omega as the leader of "The Top Ten of Fraternity Row."


ATO was founded by Otis Allan Glazebrook, Erskine Mayo Ross and Alfred Marshall, at the Virginia Military Institute in 1865 upon Christian-not Greek-principles.

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